The Back to School Bash is coming soon! This year’s Back-To-School Bash will be held on Thursday, August 15th, from 10am to 1pm in the 7th Street Plaza parking lot. We are preparing to distribute 800 back packs filled with school supplies to students in grades Pre-K through 12.
Interested in helping with this year’s Bash? Here are a few ways to get involved:
- Donate book bags and school supplies
Back Packs (Standard w/no graphics or designs)
Crayola Crayons- 24 pack
Crayola Markers -10 pack
Glue sticks
Elmer’s glue (bottle)
#2 Pencils
Dry Erase Markers
2-Pocket Folders
Wide Rule Notebooks
College Rule Notebooks
Loose Leaf/Filler Paper Packs (college and wide rule)
Composition Notebooks
Safety Scissors
- Provide a monetary donation to go towards the purchase of book bags and schools supplies
- Volunteer your time during the distribution.
- Set up a table to share information about your church, organization or business
For more information, call us at 740.282.8010 or email [email protected].